Children’s day celebrated at Govt.higher Secondary School Pashkum kargil
Kargil :14 Nov.2022
“Every child is a different kind of flower that altogether make this world a beautiful
Children’s Day was celebrated with vigour and enthusiasm by the children and teachers of
Govt Higher Secondary School pashkum on 14 November 2022. The celebrations began
with the welcome greetings by teachers , followed by welcome speech by worthy Principal
Mr. Tsering Norbo , in his speech he briefed the importance of Children’s day celebration.
Later on the teachers made the occasion memorable for the children with special
programmes. The children were treated to a melodious medley of songs followed by
colourful dance performance by their teachers.
Presentation ceremony was held were valuable presents were distributed among Students
followed by variety of fun filled activities and games .
The day ended on a memorable note with the children feeling special as they went home
wearing their colourful butterfly gowns.