Healthjob alertLadakh

Applications are invited for the following posts in Directorate of Social Welfare Department UT of Ladakh


Applications are hereby invited for the following posts in Directorate of Social Welfare Department UT of Ladakh under ICPS scheme on outsourcing on a consolidated remuneration as per the guidelines prescribed by Directorate of Social/Tribal Affairs Department UT of Ladakh.

Interested candidates may submit his resume at

E-MAIL- Ph- 6005485993/6005009938

1. Interested candidate may sent resume at the above given mail ID.
2. Candidate applying for the post have to produce Statement of Marks
Card, Experience certificate and Diploma which is relevant to the post
3. Percentage of marks obtained, age , contact number ,address, and
name of the post for which he/she is applying for should be mention in
the resume.
4. Resumewithincomplete/partialdetailswillnotbeconsidered.
5. Last date of receiving application is 16 of Feb 2022.
6. Candidate selected for the said post shall be posted in Leh.


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