Today on 2nd May 2024, a Readers workshop took place in the EJM College Library. In a first of its kind initiative, the Readers Club of Eliezer Joldan Memorial College organized its second event of its Ladakh Literary Series, which featured a reading and writing workshop for the student members of Readers Club EJMC. The resource person for the workshop was Dr Stanzin Lhaskyabs, a Ladakh based author who mentored the students towards understanding the elementary art of reading and writing. The students were also given exposure towards different aspects of literature learning. The workshop aimed towards engaging the students towards developing their creativity and introducing them towards the field of critical reading.
The workshop included innovative reading and writing exercises wherein students were given books as gifts by the resource person. Speaking on theReaders workshop, Principal EJM College, Dr Sameena Iqbal congratulated the students for attending the workshop and gaining the essential skill set of reading and writing. A total of 20 students participated in the workshop. The moderator of the workshop was Ms Sonam Angmo,(Asstt. Prof. English, Convener of the Readers Club workshop).The faculty participants included Ms Rinchen Angmo,(Asstt. Prof. English),Ms Hakeema Bano,(Asstt. Prof. English)Dr TseringChorol,(Asstt Prof. Hindi),Dr Stanzin Namgyal,( Asstt. Prof. Sociology), Dr Tashi Lundup, (Asstt. Prof. Sociology), DrTanushree Malakar(Asstt. Prof. Social Work), Mr Junaid(Skill Course Instructor), Mr Zakir, (Skill Course Instructor).