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Executive Councillor, Syed Mujtaba attends birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) in Kargil


Executive Councillor, Syed Mujtaba attends birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) in Kargil


Kargil,;Jan 03: Executive Councillor (Social Welfare), LAHDC, Kargil, Aga Syed Mujtaba, today graced the birth anniversary celebration of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) organized by Anjuman e Bahboodi Saadat at Auditorium Hall, Kargil.


During the event, a huge gathering of people gathered to commemorate the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zehra (SA).


In his address, EC Syed Mujtaba threw light on the exemplary life of Hazrat Fatima Zehra (SA).He added that the birth anniversary celebration not only served as a tribute to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) but also provided a platform for the community to come together.


Expressing gratitude, EC Syed Mujtaba thanked the organizers for their efforts in arranging the event and hoped for such initiatives in the future.


He concluded his speech with a heartfelt prayer for lasting peace and harmony.


Meanwhile, other esteemed scholars present also shared profound insights into the exemplary personality of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA). They highlighted her virtues and emphasized the enduring relevance of her life lessons in the contemporary world.

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