Secretary Sports chairs meeting regarding LG & CEC Ice Hockey Tournaments 2022
Matches will be broadcast live for public
Leh, February 10: Secretary, Youth Services and Sports Department, Ravinder Kumar, chaired a follow-up meeting for conducting the LG and CEC Ice Hockey tournaments in the coming weeks. During the meeting, the Secretary has directed that no spectators shall be allowed in the matches in view of prevailing conditions of covid-19, however, the matches shall be broadcast live on media and social media platforms for the public.
It was decided during the meeting that the CEC cup shall be held from February 12 to February 17 and the LG Ladakh ice hockey championship will be held from February 19 to February 23, 2022. All the matches during both the tournaments shall be knockout matches. A total of eight teams in the Men’s category and four teams in the Women’s category shall be participating in the LG ice hockey championship.
The secretary has directed the organizers to maintain and follow covid appropriate behavior and only players and supporting staff with entry passes shall be allowed to enter the arena. Moreover, the next meeting on the same shall be convened and reviewed on the 16th of February.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioner Leh; SSP Leh; S.E PWD; a representative from Ladakh winter sports club, Assistant Director information, Executive officer MC Leh, DYSSO Leh, and officials.