
UT Admin approves refund of 7th pay commission arrears of NPS subscribers.




Leh, April 21: Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh vide order No. 10-F of 2022 dated 20.04.2022 has cleared the decks for payment of 7th pay commission arrears of NPS subscribers of Union Territory of Ladakh with interest upto 31.03.2022. It is pertinent to mention here that the Government of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir State had ordered that arrears of NPS subscribers shall be credited to the GP Fund accounts with moratorium period of three years for withdrawal thereof.


โ€‹With this around 3500 NPS employees are eligible for withdrawal of arrears. This came out as a major relief to the employees of UT Ladakh who were waiting for transfer of their funds from UT of J&K after expiry of moratorium period. The pending demand has been finally redressed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI, by allocating the required funds in March 2022.Vide said Order, DDOs have been directed to submit the claims of the eligible employees to the concerned District Fund Offices to avoid any inconvenience to the individual employee. Employees other than the NPS subscribers already have the option of withdrawal as per GPF Rules after expiry of moratorium period.

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