
CEC Gyalson inaugurates Apricot Blossom Festival at Skuru in Nubra




Leh, April 21: Apricot Blossom Festival celebrated at Skuru village in Nubra sub-division organised by the Tourism Department, Leh. The Chairman/ CEC LAHDC, Leh, Adv Tashi Gyalson inaugurated the festival in the presence of Deputy Chairman, LAHDC Leh, Tsering Angchuk.


Councillor Hunder, Kunzang Lotus; AD, Tourism, Leh; Chairperson, BDC Diskit; SDM Nubra; HoDs of various departments in the sub-division; Head Lama of Zangpochosling; LBA President, LBA Nubra; President, Hotel and Guesthouses, Nubra and many tourists and public were also present on the occasion.


CEC Gyalson said that the tourism sector generated a major source of livelihood for Ladakh. He added that the Hill Council Leh has taken various initiatives to promote sustainable and responsible tourism in the region. Further, he urged people to promote sustainability in other sectors, such as agriculture as well.


Speaking about the rich cultural heritage, Deputy Chairman, LAHDC Leh, Tsering Angchuk appreciated the cultural performances. He added that people of all age groups can participate and perform our cultural dances. Also, appreciated the Tourism Department, UT Ladakh for organising the festival annually.


A variety of local artefacts, handloom and handicraft items and food stalls were on display. Local artists enthralled the audience with several cultural performances.

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