DLSA Kargil organizes legal awareness program on implementation of NALSA
KARGIL, FEBRUARY 16, 2021: District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Kargil on Monday organized a legal awareness program with respect to the implementation of NALSA (Legal Services to Senior Citizens) Scheme, 2016.
The program was organized at Cultural Academy hall Kargil in collaboration with Social Welfare Department Kargil which was attended by senior citizens and others.
Secretary DLSA Kargil, Moneer Ahmad and District Social Welfare Officer Kargil, Aga Sayed Jamal were the resource persons for the legal awareness program.
The objective of the program was to provide information regarding different legislations, NALSA (services to senior citizens) scheme 2016 and different government schemes pertaining to senior citizens.
Both the resource persons informed the senior citizens and participants about different legislations as enacted by the legislature and various schemes formulated by the government from time to time keeping in view of the interests of senior citizens.
The program was followed by a question-and-answer session. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Secretary DLSA Kargil.