Continuing to provide better patient care and best treatment to our community at the peripheral institution the first ever laparoscopy cholestectomy successfully conducted at SDH Diskit Nubra.
Dr Chozung Lamo Senior Consultant Surgeon performed the surgery. Anaesthesia team led by Dr Yangzin Senior Consultant Anaesthesia assisted by Anaesthesia Specialist Dr Vishal. The operation was uneventful and the patient is haemodyanically stable.
The SDH Diskit is the second busiest hospital where the patients footfall is maximum next to SNM Hospital in Leh District of UT Ladakh where all the patients related to Surgery, Medicine, Gyane, Padeatric, Orthopaedic, Dental successfully managed .
The Facilities available at SDH Nubra includes 24× 7 Emergency Sevices, 108 ambulance services 24×7, Full proof supplies of Oxygen, CT Scan, C Arm, Laparoscopy instruments for lap surgery, Colposcopy and Digital X-Ray.