
Martyrdom of Imam Ali (a.s) observes in Kargil with religious fervor and gaiety


Martyrdom of Imam Ali (a.s) observes in Kargil with religious fervor and gaiety


Thousands of People Participated in the Mourning Procession under the banner of Imam Khumaini Memorial Trust & Jamiyat Ullama Isna Ashriya Kargil Ladakh to commemorate the anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali’s Martyrdom.

The Procession passing through main Bazaar Kargil, Islamia School Chowk Kargil, Khomeni Chowk, joining by other processions from Pashkum, Poyen, Baroo, Sodh, Minjee, Kargil town and other adjoining areas concluded at Campus Hozia Ilmiya Isna Ashriya Kargil & Hussaini Park Kargil.

The mourners in Black-clads, with tears soaked eyes beating their chest and reciting Lamentations remembering the greatest martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Ali A.S, who passed away on the 21st day of the holy fasting month of Ramadan some 14 centuries ago.

The Main sermon was delivered in honuor of one of the most revered figures of Shia Islam.

The speakers urged upon the people to follow the path Shown by Hazrat Imam Ali for a better life and true value of Islam. Referring to his administrative skills which is still remembered by the world, urged upon the people having authority to follow his path to ensure peace and equality in the society.

Imam Ali was struck in the head with a poisonous sword by Ibn Muljam while he was saying his prayers in the Great Mosque of Kufa, which is located in Iraq now, on the 19th of Ramadan 40 AH (27 January AD 661). He passed away two days later.

Imam Ali, Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin, is highly respected for his courage, knowledge and deep loyalty to the Prophet as well as for administering justice.

Ladakh Times is a participatory media house based in Ladakh, tells untold stories, playing an active role of collecting news and information.

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