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Ministry of Education has not approved the establishment of the GDC at Sankoo


Ministry of Education has not approved the establishment of the GDC at Sankoo

Integrated courses to start at UoL, Kargil campus

LEH ,JUNE 16 : Lieutenant Governor Ladakh Brig (Dr) BD Mishra convened a meeting to deliberate on the proposed establishment of a Government Degree College at Sankoo.

Commissioner Secretary, Higher Education,Padma Angmo, and Vice Chancellor of the University of Ladakh, Prof SK Mehta attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Commissioner Secretary, Higher Education, Padma Angmo, informed that the Ministry of Education has not approved the establishment of the Government Degree College at Sankoo. The primary reason cited for this decision was the proximity of Sankoo to the University of Ladakh’s Kargil Campus, which is approximately 18 kilometers away.
Vice Chancellor, University of Ladakh, Prof SK Mehta, proposed an alternative solution to address the higher education requirements of the students. He suggested that integrated courses should be introduced at the University of Ladakh, Kargil Campus. Prof Mehta also highlighted the availability of transport facilities for students from Sankoo to the Kargil Campus.
In response to the discussion, the Lieutenant Governor instructed Commissioner Secretary, Higher Education, Smt Padma Angmo, and Vice Chancellor, University of Ladakh, Prof SK Mehta, to expedite the process of starting integrated courses at the Kargil Campus to ensure that students from Sankoo and surrounding areas have access to quality higher education without the need for a separate college establishment.

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